(c.1689 - 1750), amateur architect, e. s. of 8th E. of Pembroke; sty. Ld. Herbert - 1733 when suc. fa. as 9th E.; Ch.Ch. Oxf. 1705; army officer, col. 1721, maj.-gen. 1735, lt.-gen. 1742; m. 1733 Hon. Mary Fitzwilliam, dau. of 5th Vct. Fitzwilliam [I]; FRS 1743.
1711 - 13 Turin (Oct. 1711), Padua (28 Jan. 1712), Venice (Feb. - 29 Apr. - ), Rome (25 Jun. - Aug.), Naples (late Aug. - 9 Sep. - ), Rome ( - Oct. 1712), Florence; Venice (Jul. 1713)
Accounts of Lord Herbert's visit to Italy are disjointed and make no reference to his architectural studies. He met Charles Baldwyn and Burrell Massingberd in Frankfurt in September 1711 and in Turin in October.1 On 28 January 1712 'H. Herbert' was in Padua, and the following month he was in Venice,2 where he was 'dangerously ill of a fever' on 13 March,3 but had recovered by 29 April.4 By June he had met William Kent in Rome; late in August he visited Naples, where he met the 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury on 9 September,5 and at the end of October he left Rome with Michael Newton - 'so', wrote Kent on 5 November, 'I suppose [they] are at Florence'. In Rome Herbert had commissioned 'a very fine picture of Gioseppi Chiare [Chiari]' (Kent's master).6 In July 1713 he was again in Venice.7
1. Baldwyn Letters, 358, 364. 2. Brown 1405. J. Lees Milne, Earls of Creation, 61. 3. HMC Portland, 5:146. 4. Baldwyn Letters, 376. 5. Shaftesbury 1988, 186 6. Kent letters MSS (25 Jun., 17 Aug., 5 Nov. 1712). 7. SP 99/60, f.146 (Broughton, 22 Jul. 1713).