(1717 - 93), statesman, o. s. of Richard Aldworth (d. 1738) of Stanlake, Berks; educ. Eton and Merton Oxf. 1736; Dilettanti 1746; MP 1747 - 74; m. 1748 Magdalen Calandrini of Geneva; changed name to Neville on suc. to Billingbear estates 1762; sec. and min.plen. Paris 1762 - 3, 1763; in Geneva 1771 - 4.
c.1740 - 1 Rome
1744 - 5 Milan (Oct. 1744), Florence
Aldworth, 'said to be one of the merriest devils in the world',1 was one of The Bloods (or Common Room Set) who gathered in Geneva in the early 1740s.2 He appears to have been in Rome sometime in 1740 - 1 with William Windham and others of the Bloods.3 On 11 October 1744 he set out for Italy from Geneva with Sir Thomas Sebright, Horatio Walpole and Dr George Turnbull,4 visiting Milan and Florence.5 He had returned to England by the end of 1745.6
1. Spence Letters, 239. 2. Moore 1985, 44 - 7. 3. R.W. Ketton-Cremer, Early Life and Diaries of William Windham, 28. 4. Aldworth, 'Journal of tour in Switzerland & Italy 1743 - 44
& tour with H. Walpole & others to Milan 1744'; Neville and Aldworth MSS, d/en/f.54. 5. See Wal.Corr., 20:7n2. 6. W. Coxe ed., Literary Life and Select Works of B. Stillingfleet, [1811], 1:75, 170 - 1.